Guest Post : Travel Psychology
This is a guest post written by Writing Gazette. If you are interested to find out more about Writing Gazette, click here to read the posts from Writing Gazette.
What is going on in your brain when you get your suitcase?
When you travel, the last thing you think about is science. But there are certain ways we think and make decisions when we travel. So buckle up your seatbelts, ’cause we are going on a science road trip!
1. Be on your guard…
When we’re on holiday, we’re able to relax and get away from the stress of our fast-paced lives, and we let our guard down. But we should still be on our guard, because there are thieves and pickpockets and gangsters and robbers and scammers and a whole lot of dangerous people out there. Make sure to do thorough research before going.
2. …But relax too
Some people think of work and school too much that they fail to be able to enjoy their holidays. While the rest of the family have fun taking selfies and spamming Instagram with cute pictures, these people will still be worrying about their current project and their boss and their unfinished homework and the guilt of missing that important meeting…
You may be a workaholic (or for that matter, a schoolaholic, a rarer condition). As Ronald E Riggio Ph.D. writes in a post on Psychology Today, Are you a Workaholic? Take This Test: (I italicised all the important parts)
Workaholics tend to:
1. have a broad view of what their job entails and work whenever possible
2. use lists and other time-saving gadgets
3. work long days
4. get little sleep
5. take quick meals and get back to work (or work during meals)
6. are unable to enjoy idle or leisure time
7. have a dread of retirement
8. overlap work and leisure, by taking the family on a business trip
9. a strong desire to excel
10. an ability to work anywhere (workaholics take work into the bathroom!).
So make sure to keep your work phone off if you do pack it in your bag.
3. Eat in Moderation
Many people have this all-or-nothing mindset, where they must eat everything on the table or they’ll starve to death, resulting in overeating and all the extra kilos that you need to shed when you get back. Choose the food you want to eat, and eat it in your normal portions. Remember your regular mealtimes, too.
4. Enjoy it while you still can
One study have shown that workers were already showing signs of stress a mere three days after returning from vacation. Treasure your trip.
5. You remember the most important moments
The other mundane ones, like eating and queuing, are usually forgotten or downplayed.
6. Most importantly, have fun!!!
Older people who plan to have fun on their vacations feel younger than those who travel to escape from day-to-day life.
This is a guest post written by Writing Gazette. If you are interested to find out more about Writing Gazette, click here to the website.