
Kokol Hill – the new Kinabalu Park?

Have you heard of Kokol Hill in Kota Kinabalu? Tired of driving two hours from Kota Kinabalu city to Kinabalu Park? Do you suffer from travel sickness? Want to plan a half day visit anywhere near Kota Kinabalu but running out of ideas? Not the first time visiting Kota Kinabalu and have been to most of the top most visited places? Then, my solution for you is go to Kokol Hill, the new Kinabalu Park.

Why Kokol Hill?

The reasons being:-

  • It is less than 1 hour drive from Kota Kinabalu city
  • It is cooling there with temperatures around 25 degree celcius
  • You get to do or see people paragliding
  • You can spend a night there where each room costs from RM 380
  • Another place to watch sunrise/sunset, paranomic view of KK city, best view of Mount Kinabalu
The mannequin wearing Kadazan traditional costumes at the entrance of Kokol Haven Resort

There are some uphill winding roads on the way to Kokol Hill. However, being tried and tested by someone who gets travel sickness easily, these roads are alright with no incident of being sick (in other words, puking your gut out).

There is an entrance fee of RM10 per head. The entrance fee also comes with a free drink. We used them to redeem for free drinks and satay.

The winding road leading to Kokol Hill and an amazing view of Kota Kinabalu city

It was a cloudy afternoon when we reached Kokol Haven Resort. With a streamline of cars parking at the entrance of the resort, we walked towards the restaurant, looking for an empty table. To our dismay, most of the tables were occupied with hungry patrons or eager foodies waiting for their food.

After a few minutes, we were lucky to spot a table where the patrons just left after paying. Once seated, we scanned through the menu and decided on our target food. The kind waitress told us that we could use the free drink coupons to redeem for the satay, which cost RM15 from the menu. Wow… what a good deal!

Once ordered, this was the time to explore around the resort and taking instagrammable photos.

The garden with a Instagram worthy red heart-shaped for selfies moment
Who wants to go for a swing?
A small bridge and pond which gives out the Japanese vibe

Our stomach were growling now…. time to dig in…

The free satay set redeemable from the entrance fee
Kids favourite finger food, nuggets!

Looking at others paragliding while admiring their courage…

Spectators admiring the paraglider from afar
Paragliding on a cloudy day!

What a wonderful half a day trip! Please think about Kokol Hill if you plan your next KK trip. You won’t regret it!

Interested to find out more about my other travel stories? Click the following links:-


Hi, I am Keen. This blog is about taking the Goldilocks approach to travel and lifestyle, i.e. Just Right!!! Here I share tips, tricks and itineraries from my personal experience travelling as a couple and as a family to various places around the world. Most of my journey involved architectures, cultural, shopping, food and family outing. In addition to being an occasional traveller, I am also into staying healthy and ageing gracefully. I hope to inspire you to travel more, create better memories and live a life that you love!