Quote : Every journey begins with just a single step

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Hi, I am Keen. This blog is about taking the Goldilocks approach to travel and lifestyle, i.e. Just Right!!! Here I share tips, tricks and itineraries from my personal experience travelling as a couple and as a family to various places around the world. Most of my journey involved architectures, cultural, shopping, food and family outing. In addition to being an occasional traveller, I am also into staying healthy and ageing gracefully. I hope to inspire you to travel more, create better memories and live a life that you love!
Janice Wald
I agree with the quote. I can’t think of anything it doesn’t apply to. It could be as little as starting a blog or is big as humankind’s first steps on the moon.
I met you at Naya’s blog party. Maybe you can check out my blog if you need any blogging tips. That’s what I write about. I also have six blogging events each month including blog parties like Naya.
Definitely will check out your blog, Janice!
Janice Wald
Hi Vera,
Thank you for your reply. I will look forward to your visit to my blog! Make yourself at home! =)