Sorihashi Bridge at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine Osaka
Blogging,  Travel

Weekly Photo Challenge – Weathered Bridge At Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine

During my recent trip to Osaka Japan, I had visited a few shrines. One of the oldest shrines I had come across is the ancient Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine. It was founded in the 3rd century. Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine was and still is the headquarter and the most famous of over two thousand Sumiyoshi shrines found across the whole Japan, i.e. it is also called Sumiyoshi Grand Shrine.

What attracted me to this shrine was perhaps the beautiful Sorihashi Bridge. In its bright red colour and its high-arch, it was always attention-grabbing. However, because of its age (at least 400 years old), when crossing the bridge, I could see the aged wooden steps which have weathered through years of rain or shine. The rustic wooden steps and crack lines in the woods had given me the impression that this ancient bridge could withstand the test of time, even during the hottest and coldest days of the year. I did not feel fear that it would fall apart while crossing the bridge. But rather I admired the sense of serenity and tranquillity it brought. The steep and high arch of the bridge helped me to get the perfect scenic view of the pond and its surrounding.The bridge looked elegant and picturesque from the side view. It also gave the impression of solid and dependable with the concrete beams holding the bridge.

Every new year, the millions of worshipers will climb this old and curiously arched bridge to the main prayer halls to wish for happiness, prosperity and good health. So here, I wish that this bridge can continue to weather through years to come.

Sorihashi Bridge at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine Osaka

Sorihashi Bridge at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine Osaka

Via Weekly Photo Challenge: Weathered


Hi, I am Keen. This blog is about taking the Goldilocks approach to travel and lifestyle, i.e. Just Right!!! Here I share tips, tricks and itineraries from my personal experience travelling as a couple and as a family to various places around the world. Most of my journey involved architectures, cultural, shopping, food and family outing. In addition to being an occasional traveller, I am also into staying healthy and ageing gracefully. I hope to inspire you to travel more, create better memories and live a life that you love!