The Beauty Of Sunrise And Sunset
Going through my photos, I realised that I took a lot of sunset photos wherever I went. One, it shows that I am not a morning person. And two, it also shows the vibrant colours that follow the sun. The surrounding turns into a golden hue and water changes from blue to a darker shade to reflect the changing mood. Places turn quieter and the crowds are slowly dissipating. The moon is peeking from the horizon and can’t wait to show off its gentle calm side opposite the fiery blazing sun. Words just cannot express fully how beautiful the sunrise and sunset are. So let me tell you how alluring…
Beloved, is someone or something that you love, hold dearly, treasured, cherished and adored. This precious one holds dear to your heart. When you see your beloved, you forget all your sorrow and unhappiness. But when your beloved disappears, it makes you miserable, despair and even feeling being abandoned. Sometimes, you get mad at your beloved and other times this sweetheart can brighten up your day with just one glimpse. While this dearest of yours can make you feel strong and powerful, but it can make you vulnerable and bring you to your knees. To my beloved – Sunrise. Every Sunset reduces one day from life… But every Sunrise gives one…